Upcoming Events

St. Stephen’s Altar Guild—Sat, Feb 1

The St. Stephen’s Altar Guild will meet after the 9am Mass on Saturday, February 1st. The Guild strives to provide altar servers with greater understanding of their role in the liturgy so that they may serve with increasing reverence and prayerfulness and thereby be led to a deepening response to their vocation in life.

Confraternity of Christian Mothers- Feb 10

The Confraternity of Christian Mothers will be meeting on Monday, February 10th. Members can be married or single, and need not have children. The night will begin at 7pm with Holy Hour in the main church, and will follow with a social and a talk by Fr. Gismondi in the church hall. If you have any questions, please contact Erin Sims at stmaryccm2020@gmail.com

Men’s Night Sponsored by the Holy Name Society- Wed Feb 12, 7PM

St. Mary’s Men’s Night will be on Wednesday, February 12th. St. Mary’s Men’s Night is open to all men of the parish over 18. It will begin at 7:00pm with Holy Hour in the main church and will follow with dinner, drinks, fellowship, and a talk by Fr. Gismondi downstairs.

Juventutem Young Adults — Feb. 14

Teen Group Bowling Night!— Sat Feb 15

St. Mary Teen Group will be having a bowling outing on Saturday, February 15th from 4:30-6:30pm at Our Town Bowling Alley in East Norriton (2912 Swede Road). The cost will be $10 per person, which includes 2 hours of bowling and shoe rental. We will also have pizza and drinks. If you are interested, please inform Marie DiCecco as soon as possible at stmaryteengroup@gmail.com so that we can get a head count. Also, if you would like to pay ahead of time (which is preferred) you can place your money in an envelope with your name on it in the collection box which is located by the votive candles. If you are writing a check, you can make it out to St. Mary Church.

Teen Group — Feb 21

Ash Wednesday — March 5

Chant Camp — Jun 16-19

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